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Project Eden will use Leon.Ai as its initial backbone. Leon.Ai is an open-source personal assistant built on top of Node.js, Python, and artificial intelligence concepts. It's a versatile platform that can live on your server and interact with you, performing actions upon request​1​.

Leon.Ai has a unique appeal due to its modular design, which allows for easy addition or modification of features. It's also cross-platform, functioning seamlessly on macOS, Windows, and Linux​1​.

In Project Eden, Leon.Ai will be used to automate and control all localized systems. When instructed to complete a task, it will autonomously utilize all available resources to execute the task in the most efficient manner. This could involve a multitude of resources, such as Leon.Ai itself, AutoGPT, EngineerGPT, PrivateGPT, ChatAgents, third-party AI tools, and language models​1​.

Infrastructure Components

System Improvement Log: 2023-10-17 .json files are objects that describe themselves. Each of the items marked in yellow are all .json files, each with their own description, and instructions. When Eden interacts with the .json files it knows what to do with them because it tells eden what they are, how they operate, and what they do, as well with tells eden what to do with it.